Friday, April 24, 2015

The 3 R's

Who knew that the 3 R's stood for "Repeat, Repeat, Repeat"?

I've noticed that teachers seem to ask for certain lesson plans in waves. With the recent Earth Day event, our recycling lesson plan has been a huge hit. We have repeated the lesson at least a dozen times to hundreds of kids over the last few weeks. Some days you get two or three classes in a row at one school so your entire day consists of asking kids what they should do with their lunch packaging. This may sound boring to some, but it has a neat upside.

Sheralynn reading the story of the Earth Ghosts to 1st graders.
When you repeat a lesson over and over again, it no longer requires a great deal of concentration to lead the lesson. That frees up your mind to watch the kids. There are certain expressions that I am learning to recognize that tell me the student is confused, bored, engaged, or excited about the subject. With this info, I can tweak the presentation to keep students interested and engaged. In the long run, this will make me a better educator, so I look forward to repeating more lessons in the future. 

The recycle relay is the highlight of our recycling lesson. This part is super fun!


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