Thursday, September 29, 2016

Into the creek!

Today I got to take a group into the river which is one of my favorite activities. We found tracks from raccoon and deer, scat from deer and geese, duck feathers, beaver chews, and spider webs. We also searched for macro invertebrates and found tons of them including some metamorphosed stone flies that never hatched! One cool thing that happened was watching deer cross the river just downstream of us.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Ready to go again!

After a year of learning about environmental education at the University of Idaho McCall Outdoor Science School, I am back in Boise with a new set of skills and a new confidence.

I am getting ready to serve again, this time at the MK Nature Center in Boise. The center is owned and operated by Idaho Fish and Game and funded by federal conservation fees brought in by the sale of hunting gear and ammunition. The center features indoor and outdoor space, and the highlight is the stream walk, a path which winds through a scale model of a watershed and features glass windows which allow students to view fish in the habitat.

This will be a new experience and I can't wait to get started!